Let’s say that you’re looking for information or help. You have essentially two options.
The first one: You know someone who knows someone. It usually goes like this:”I know a guy.”
“Oh ok. Good. That’ll save me a lot of trouble.”
And you have the second one: You’re on your own. So, you look it up on the internet. Read reviews. Hope they’re accurate. And then hope you don’t get scammed. Then, if you do get scammed, you have to start the whole process over from the beginning.
There’s a lot of steps to the second option. The first option has one step: trust.
And why would you trust someone you’ve never met? You don’t have any more information on this person than you would if you looked them up on the internet. But a friend of yours said they “know” him, so you trust.
Why do you do that? Because you have a friend and you trust your friend. Because life is built on these invisible cords that bind people together. And these cords are worth more than information you can search out on your own. They’re worth more than all the info on Wikipedia and Yelp.
That’s why friendship is so important. A true friend provides you with a pathway to walk on throughout life. Perhaps you thought that you could walk through life on your own. You’re wrong about that. Perhaps you thought that the soul was like the body: it can walk alone if it has too. That’s not true. It’s not even true of the body. Why do animals die if they are left alone too long? Why do prisoners dread going to solitary confinement? Why did Cameron nearly cry when I told him that I might put him and Sim in different bedrooms?
There are cords of friendship binding, holding you together, that you cannot see and that you tend to forget about.
Don’t. Please don’t. They are life to you. Without those cords, without each other, we fall into some abyss of solitary confinement.
The Father and the Son are bound together by the cord of love that is the Holy Spirit. One God, forever in unity, friendship, and love.