
My Church! My People!

I hope you’re all well.

But perhaps you are not. Perhaps the week was slightly harder than you had hoped. Perhaps the week was a lot harder than you had hoped!

And during weeks or months or years like that, the world can seem strange and out of joint.

And although it’s not likely that you’ll just give up on God, it does seem that he is pretty far away. Too far.

The world can seem hostile or negligent. Maybe it hates you. Maybe it’s just indifferent toward you. The world doesn’t seem to care what happens to you.

But recall what we have been saying in the sermons these past two weeks: Our God is a Trinity. And in this Trinity there is eternal and everlasting love between Father, Son, and Spirit.

From this love, all creation has come.

So, here’s the implication: the world, even when it seems hostile or indifferent, the world is for you. If you were to dig into the dirt far enough, what you would find at the bottom is love; is a world that has been created for you. The rising of the sun is not just a scientific observation. The rising of the sun is proof that God himself is for you. The fact that tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, cannot destroy the land means something. It means that all the forces of chaos in the universe and in your own life cannot prevail. They simply cannot. Sin and death has entered the world and they all touch us, but light does not contend with darkness. They are not equal. Light always, always wins.

The sun is proof. The ground under your feet is proof. The air you breath is proof.

For it comes from our Trinitarian God of eternal love.
