in 2008 Bishop James Staton commissioned Father Michael Gilton to plant a church in Prosper. On August 4, 2008, Saint Paul's Saint Paul's held its first worship service in a parishioner's living room. On the following Sunday the church began meeting at a nearby elementary school. It continued to gather there until August 2015 when the building was completed at 420 South Coit in Prosper. Father Michael led the church from 2008 to 2015. At the end of his time, he was called to work with the new bishop, George Sumner, in the diocesan office as the Canon to the Ordinary. 

With the opening of our building Saint Paul's Preschool first opened its doors. We began with only 12 students in August 2015 under the leadership of director Skye McDonald. 

The reverend doctor Tom Smith arrived on May 22, 2016. A new construction project to expand our growing preschool and youth was put on hold in 2020. But, after the pandemic, Saint Paul's continued to grow and in November 2022 Saint Paul's moved from mission status to parish statues (changing the lead priest's title from vicar to rector). The construction of the new education wing was restarted in January 2024 and finished that July. We now average hundreds of people over three services and have three full time priests to serve our busy congregation. 

With the building expansion our preschool has grown to 150 in August of 2024 under the leadership of director Keri Lambert. 

Saint Paul's church and school continue to grow and serve Prosper being dedicated to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

420 South Coit Road, Prosper, Texas 75078